When the Shopify plugin in Backoffice is enabled, it first loads all the product information according to the chosen integration direction.
- If two or more variants of the product have the same SKU, the latter one will have an error.
- If two same products have the same SKU, Backoffice adds -1 after the SKU, e.g. phone-1.
- From the Error Situations list in the Shopify Admin (Sales channels -> Online Exclusive -> Products), you can see products that have not been updated in Backoffice.
Synchronization of products
Good to know about product synchronization:
- The SKU is a unique data field at the product and variant level in the Backoffice database.
- A SKU is not unique to Shopify.
- If one or more products or variants have the same SKU in Shopify, updating the product/variant to Backoffice fails.
See the table for how product information is synchronized between Shopify and Backoffice.
Processing of product variants
The handling of product variants between Backoffice and Shopify is slightly different. It is good to recognize these things:
- Backoffice's product options and their value lists are global. The integration creates product option lists in Backoffice based on the name of the product option (e.g. size and its values are S, M, L).
- The order of variants is maintained the same in both systems.
- The SKU of the variants is also unique in Backoffice.
- In Shopify, a variant can only have one image, but Backoffice can have several.
You can edit measurement and weight information through your own editor, because they are not part of the product's basic information in Shopify. You can access the editor in Shopify through Sales channel -> Online Exclusive-> Synchronization of product information (Tuotetietojen synkronointi)-> Open product measurement information management (Avaa tuotteiden mittatietojen hallinta).